Saturday, June 27, 2009


Hey you guys (: Hmm. Just wanna start out by saying ,"Yay!". You actually came here (: shows you care (: I really do hope that this blog would help you see things clearer. (:

Okay so today I went to this website where they tell you how you can do something about poverty. These were my favourites:
  1. Check your closet and make sure that anything you have not used last winter is taken to a charitable organization. Ask your friends and neighbors and volunteer to pick up the clothes, launder them and deliver them to those organizations. They will do no good in your closet and a world of good to someone in need.

  2. Have a “sponsor me” day. Donate money to a poverty relief cause for everyone who leaves a comment on your blog that day.

  3. I think in order to stop poverty is to give what the people really need, not just giving it away for the sake of ‘being kind’

  4. Eat meatless meals 2x a week. Donate that grocery money to a local food bank.

  5. Be homeless for a day/night.

" The crisis in the south of the country has been caused by a drought and a plague of locusts which destroyed much of last year's harvest.

Aid agency World Vision warns that 10% of the children in the worst affected areas could die. They say the international community has reacted too late to the crisis. Niger is a vast desert country and one of the poorest on earth. Millions of people, a third of the population, face food shortages. Families are roaming the parched desert looking for help. One family we came across did not even know where they were going.

"I'm wandering like a madman," the father said. "I'm afraid we'll all starve."

They were hundreds of miles from the nearest food distribution point. Aid agencies estimate that tens of thousands of children are in the advanced stages of starvation. Children are dying daily in the few feeding centres there are, where their place in the queue could make the difference between life and death. "

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